Desktop Application

Global Scheduling App

A teal background with screenshots from the Global Scheduling Application with a primarily purple color scheme. In the top left, it shows the login screen where the user can enter their credentials, and in the bottom left it shows the main screen with four buttons. On the right, it depicts the appointment screen which shows all of the authors in the system as well as providing an interface to interact with them

About the Application



A desktop application designed to keep track of appointments for a publishing company.

It stores the appointment details in a database and allows the user to access and modify them with the application GUI.

Employee passwords are stored in the mySQL database as salted hashes using SHA-256.

The application is designed around four main sections: Appointments, Authors, Editors, and Reports.

Technology Used

  • Java
  • JavaFX
  • mySQL
  • SHA-256
  • JUnit
  • CSS

Interesting Features

Login Notifications

Upon logging in the application provides the user with a notification informing them as to whether there is an appointment within 15 minutes.

Appointment Soon:
A pop up notification informing the user they have an appointment in the next 15 minutes when they log into the Global Scheduling Application
No Appointment Soon:
The high fidelity mockup for the login screen


The application allows you to export the appointment information for each author and editor.

Screen With Export Button
A editors tab of the reports screen.
The Reports Screen allows the user to select the author or editor they want the apppointments for from the dropdown and then click on the export button.
Export Notification
The high fidelity mockup for the login screen


The Authors and the Editors screens both allow the user to search by name for the person they are looking for.

Authors Screen:
A screenshot of the Authors Screen
Editors Screen:
A screenshot of the Editors Screen

Application Design

Application Flow

Opening The Application

A diagram showing the application flow
  • Login Screen:

    Immediately upon opening the application the user ends up on the login screen. There they must enter their username and password correctly before they can proceed to the home screen.

  • Home Screen:

    The home screen is the center of the application. Here the user decides what information they wish to access.

  • Path Choices:
    1. Appointments Screen
    2. Authors Screen
    3. Editors Screen
    4. Reports Screen

The Appointments Screen

A screenshot of the Appointments Screen
  • Description:

    The appointments screen allows the user to view, modify, add, or delete appointments.

  • Features:

    1. Filter appointments based on date.
    2. View, modify, add, and delete appointments.
    3. Times are displayed based on the users time zone.
    4. Only valid appointments may be scheduled.

The Authors Screen

A screenshot of the Authors Screen
  • Description:

    The authors screen allows the user to view, modify, add, or delete authors.

  • Features:

    1. Search for a particular author.
    2. View, modify, add, and delete authors.
    3. Only valid authors may be saved.

The Editors Screen

A screenshot of the Editors Screen
  • Description:

    The editors screen allows the user to view, modify, add, or delete editors.

  • Features:

    1. Search for a particular editor.
    2. View, modify, add, and delete editors.
    3. Only valid editors may be saved.

The Reports Screen

A screenshot of the Reports Screen on the Appointments By Editors Tab
A screenshot of the Reports Screen on the Appointments By Authors Tab
A screenshot of the Reports Screen on the Appointments Counts Tab
A screenshot of the Reports Screen on the Editors/Authors by Country Tab
  • Description:

    The reports screen allows the user to view information from the database. It is split into four tabs.

  • Tabs:
    1. The Appointments by Editor tab allows the user to select an editor and view all of their appointments. It also allows the user to export the appointment information.
    2. The Appointments by Author tab allows the user to select an author and view all of their appointments. It also allows the user to export the appointment information.
    3. The Appointments Counts tab display the number of appointments that fall into various categories, such as with each author.
    4. The Authors/Editors By Country tab displays how many authors and editors in the database come from each country

Screen Design Process

Each screen was originally designed using AdobeXD. I began with a low fidelity design devoid of any branding decisions. This allowed me to rapidly iterate until I had an app layout that seemed to meet the needs. Then I included the branding decisions in the AdobeXD designs in order to create high fidelity designs. I then used those high fidelity designs to guide the creation of the application screens with JavaFX.

Login Screen

  • Low Fidelity Design:
    The low fidelity mockup for the login screen
  • High Fidelity Design:
    The high fidelity mockup for the login screen
  • Final Screenshot:
    The screenshot of the login screen in the final application

Home Screen

  • Low Fidelity Design:
    The low fidelity mockup for the home screen
  • High Fidelity Design:
    The high fidelity mockup for the home screen
  • Final Screenshot:
    The screenshot of the main screen in the final application

Appointment Screen

  • Low Fidelity Design:
    The low fidelity mockup for the appointment screen
  • High Fidelity Design:
    The high fidelity mockup for the appointment screen
  • Final Screenshot:
    The screenshot of the appointment screen in the final application